+91 83103 84842 surfsup@surfingindia.net

Castles in the Sky – India Journal Log

Soul surfer, Dave Rastovich, comes to India for Taylor Steele’s and Dustin Humphrey’s Castle in the Sky project. Check out their travel log finishing with their most recent travels through India. www.CastleInTheSky.tv

Castles in the Sky – India – Satya’s Right

Filmmaker, Taylor Steele, and photographer, Dustin Humphrey, show a sneak peak of their film and book, Castles in the Sky (to be released in early 2010). Filmmaker, Taylor Steele, and photographer, Dustin Humphrey, show a sneak peak of the Indian jem they came across...

Sydney art fuses surf with Islam

An Australian artist has produced a range of Islamic surfboards in an attempt to create a greater understanding between East and West. An Australian artist has produced a range of Islamic surfboards in an attempt to create a greater understanding between East and...

The Ashram Surf Tour At A Glance

Check out this great new photo book we published through Blurb. It’s available for secure purchase online with quick shipping from the US. The book is about our search for the waves in and around India. These photos give an example of how good it gets when...


Like many American outsider-adventurers, Dorian “Doc” Paskowitz set out to realize a utopian dream. Check out the trailer Like many American outsider-adventurers, Dorian “Doc” Paskowitz set out to realize a utopian dream. Abandoning a successful medical practice, he...