+91 83103 84842 surfsup@surfingindia.net

Surfs up in INDIA! We have been waiting for this article to come out in ‘Surfer Magazine’ for quite some time. Wow… India gets the cover story on ‘Surfer’ — that is big news for us!!!! One of our surf club members, Kirtan, was the guide for the ‘Surfer’ crew when they toured South India back in June. They got some very decent waves and we expect the article and photos to be good. Can’t wait to get our copy.


The People’s India: Finding more than just perfect surf on the subcontinent. A sneak peek inside our October 2011 issue. http://bit.ly/9e1WFw


Surfs up in INDIA! We have been waiting for this article to come out in ‘Surfer Magazine’ for quite some time. Wow… India gets the cover story on ‘Surfer’ — that is big news for us!!!! One of our surf club members, Kirtan, was the guide for the ‘Surfer’ crew when they toured South India back in June. They got some very decent waves and we expect the article and photos to be good. Can’t wait to get our copy.